Hearing Conservation Program Management Articles
Beginning Your Hearing Testing Program
How should I begin a hearing testing program?
Glossary of Key Terms
What terms are use in hearing testing?
Risk Levels of Occupational Noise Exposure
What are risks of noise exposure?
Why We Test the Frequencies We Test
What is the rationale for testing 500 through 8K frequencies?
Audiometric Thresholds
What is a threshold? What is a decibel?
Effects of Hearing Loss on Speech Discrimination
What happens to the ability to understand speech when hearing is lost?
Masking: Ambient Noise during Testing
How do I deal with ambient noise during testing?
Noise Reduction Ratings
What do protector noise reduction ratings mean?
Hearing Differences between Ears: Nature's Symmetry
Do differences in ears signal medical referral conditions?
Medical Referrals 101
What are medical referrals?
Reasons for Test Rejections
Why do audiologists reject some tests?
Why Our Technicians are CAOHC-certified
What are the benefits of technicians who've been schooled by CAOHC?
T K Group Stores Calibration Records
What happens if I lose my calibration records?
Prevention vs. Conservation
Why use the phrase "hearing loss prevention"?
Mobile Test Van Exception
Does OSHA show leniency over test scheduling when a mobile test van is used?
Retesting STSs: Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees
Should I retest STSs?
Shift Verification on Mobile Testing Units
Does T K Group recheck STSs during mobile testing?
Don't Forget the 8s!
Should I always test the 8K frequency?
Have Cold Take Test
Should I test workers with colds?
Test Refusals
What should I do if a worker refuses to take a test?
Functional Audiometer Calibration
How do I verify my audiometer is working properly?
Medical Referral Notification
How do I notify workers of a medical condition?
Recording Hearing Loss to OSHA 300 Form
How and when do I record hearing loss?
Benefits of Year-end Program Review
How often should I review my records and documentation?
Keep Training Fresh and Innovative
How can I ensure workers get the most out of training?
Motivating Workers to Wear Protection
How can I ensure workers wear their protection?
Exit Audiograms
Should I get audiograms at employee termination?
Common Clinic Discrepancies
How do I ensure clinic tests are appropriate for my program?
Limitations of Dual Hearing Protection
What are the benefits of using multiple hearing protectors?
Communication Headsets for the Hearing Impaired
What protection is there for hearing impaired workers?
Real and Perceived Inter-system Discrepancies
Is it ok to store my hearing data in two or more systems?
Baseline Revisions Have No Relationship to Determinations
Do determinations nullify baseline revisions?
Determinations for Marginally Noise-exposed Employees
Should I log determinations for workers that aren't noise-exposed?
New Shifts Need New Determinations
Should I get a determination for every Recordable?
Dosimetry: What Do The Numbers Mean?
What are "noise dose" and "permissible noise exposure"?
Dosimetry: Keystone to Compliance
How does dosimetry impact compensation claims and work-relatedness determinations?
Extended Work Shifts Equals Higher TWAs
Does noise exposure increase when work shifts are longer?
Keep Noise Exposure Records at Least 2 Years
How long should I keep dosimetry records?
Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease
What is autoimmune inner ear disease?
Central Auditory Processing Disorders
What are auditory processing disorders and their symptoms?
Earwax: Friend or Foe
What is earwax? How does it affect hearing testing?
Hearing Loss and Carbon Monoxide
Does carbon monoxide hasten hearing loss?
What substances cause hearing loss?
Presbycusis Does Not Cease at Age 60
Does hearing loss due to aging ever stop?
What causes ringing in the ears? Can it be treated?
Vestibular Disorders
What are inner ear diseases such as Meniere's disease and vertigo?
Review of OSHA Recordable Follow-up Actions
What must I do when there is a Recordable?
D.O.T. Requirements
How good must driver hearing be?
Insert Earphones
When can insert earphones be used during testing?
New Baselines for New Hires
Can I use a new baseline for rehires?