Hearing Conservation Worker Training Video NEW!
Train your workers in hearing conservation in under 8 minutes.
"Healthy Hearing in the Workplace" is a fresh approach to teaching the damaging effects of noise, choosing and using hearing protectors and preparation for and how to take a hearing test. This instructional DVD fulfills key OSHA, MSHA and FRA hearing conservation regulation training requirements.
Included on the DVD are bonus materials to assist your program, such a hearing conservationist's guide with a recommended training agenda, best practices, and sample language for worker instruction.
OSHA/MSHA/FRA training requirements covered:
- Effects of noise on hearing
- Purpose of hearing protectors
- Advantages and disadvantages of protector types
- Selection and fitting of protectors
- Attenuation levels of various protectors
- Use and care of hearing protectors
- Purpose of hearing testing
- Explanation of testing procedures
- Purpose of noise monitoring
- Procedures of noise monitoring
Bonus Material on DVD
- Hearing conservationist's guide to worker training
- Understanding your hearing test handout (English & Spanish)
- Hearing protector comparison poster
- Foam earplug insertion poster
Video Features
- Languages: English & Spanish
- Length: 7:48
- Subtitles in English & Spanish
- Chapters for quick subject matter review
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